Sunday, August 19, 2012

Is Your Goal to do Hanumanasana?

Hanumanasana is the Monkey Pose.  It is extremely difficult for most yogis, because it demands very open hips, lengthened hamstrings, and a flexible spine.  It takes many of us years of practice to do, or come close to doing.  We're giving kudos to one of my senior students, Steve, here performing the full pose admirably for the first time!  You may not be able to see it, but he has a big grin on his face!  He was so thrilled to have gotten his pelvis on the floor and his arms in the air for the first time!  

Steve Thompson in Hanumanasana                                

If you want to perform this pose, practice yoga daily.  Incorporate lots of hip openers in progressively more challenging poses.  There are some preparatory poses and other important information about Monkey Pose listed at this webpage

Hanuman is the Monkey God in the Hindu Pantheon.  He is mentioned in the Ramayana, the Vedas, and the Mahabarata, as well as several other ancient texts.  This pose depicts Hanuman's famous leap over the ocean from India to Sri Lanka. His amazing leap from Lord Rama's palace in India to Sri Lanka was to give Lord Rama's ring to Rama's wife, Mother Sita. She had been kidnapped and was being held there by the Demon King.  Hanuman hid in a tree and cleverly dropped the ring from the tree above Sita into her lap where she sat. The ring gave her courage to be be unafraid while in captivity until her later rescue.

Sri Hanuman the Monkey God
Legend has it that constant repetition (mantra) on the name of Lord Hanuman "eradicates all disease and pain".  His awesome strength is said to be the result of his purity, celibacy, and undying loyalty to Lord Rama. For one of the most beautiful ballads of all time, check out the Hanuman Chalisa as sung by Krishna Das.  I've been with Krishna Das, chant master, when he performed the ballad on retreat several years ago.  Follow the link to find it on I-Tunes. You can also go to for more information about KD's wonderful chant music.  I have many of his CD's.  They are wonderful.  I play them when I need my spirits lifted.

KD's Flow of Grace CD and download includes  Hanuman Chalisa




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