Thursday, May 24, 2012

What is Kriya Yoga?

The word "Kriya" means "action".  In Kriya yoga, the devotee is taught specific "actions" or practices which purify the several bodies or aspects of the devotee (physical, mental, emotional, astral or energy body, and the spiritual body).  These kriyas (practices) include a combination of specific breathing exercises, mantra, visualizations, and body postures or movements.  

The kriyas are designed to draw us to the experience of divinity within our own souls, experiencing divine joy (union of the individual soul with the divine, or YOGA).  For the most effective kriya yoga practice, the student must be initiated by an authentic guru carrying the lineage of Mahavatar Babaji, a living, God realized Master who works through his gurus here on earth. 

Mahavatar Babaji

The Guru who initiated me was Baba Gonesh, who was initiated by Paramahamsa Hariharananda, who held the lineage directly transmitted through Lahiri Mahasaya, the Yoga Master who received it directly from Babaji.  The instructions to many kriyas are easily researched and specific instructions are available, but practice is relatively ineffective unless one has been formally initiated. Initiation connects the devotee to a direct flow of energy from previous God-realized souls which increases the effectiveness of the kriya practice exponentially.

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