Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How Do You Find a Genuine Guru?

I had a student, Ina Grill, ask me this question:

"In K. Pattabhi Jois' book Yoga Mala, he says that you should not try to learn yoga on your own. It further says, 'It should only be learned under the guidance of a guru who knows yogic science and is experienced in its practice.' I was wondering if you have a guru and how one comes to find a guru. I know it's kind of an odd question but it has been in my head for months, even before I read his book, and I can't seem to find an answer on my own".

B.K.S. Iyengar
Interesting question, and a great question!  The guru relating to my teaching style of hatha yoga classes is B.K.S. Iyengar.  My personal (root) guru is Acharyajji Anatole Ruslanov. He is the spiritual leader of Modern Seers.  He is a Tantrika, not much interested in hatha yoga. He is a genuine guru, and a wonderful teacher and friend.  He knows, lives, and understands yogic science.  Having a spiritual master is essential to one's progress on the yogic path.

The way you find a genuine guru is to fervently wish for one, practice as much as you can every, and I mean every day, pray for one, and when you are ready one will show up in your life.  You will only have the great honor of being initiated by a genuine guru if you do the work, and/or your heart is in the right place (your vibration is pure enough).  

Sometimes you can even meet a genuine guru, be initiated, but not be ready for the responsibility of the student/master relationship.  If you're not ready, you won't be willing do the work he asks you to do.  I've seen this happen.  This is unfortunate.  It is such a great gift simply wasted.  In this circumstance, initiation doesn't help you much.  It might come to fruition in your next life (?). 

Guru & Student
If you just start looking for a guru, you might find a fake one that appears real, but you will go nowhere fast.  You'll probably spend or give away a lot of money as a result of your search.  My suggestion is keep practicing yoga with passion and commitment every day of your life, and keep the desire for a real spiritual master or guru alive and on fire.  You will know when the opportunity is in front of you.  Then grab it.  He will be there when you don't expect it, but when you are ready.  
I practiced about 18 years before I "found" my guru.  He was a friend of mine for several years before I asked for initiation.  One day I "woke up" and suddenly realized that I had to take advantage of the opportunity right now!  What was I waiting for?  In other words, he was right in front of me so to speak, and I didn't know it until I was ready.
My guru is Dr. Anatole of Modern Seers.  He's actually coming here to Salt Lake City this coming Thursday 8/3/12. I asked him and he is willing to meet with my students who are interested.  He's willing to answer any questions they may have.  Contact me immediately if you are interested.  I have a few students so far who are interested in meeting with him.  He is a Tantric Master, not a Hatha Yoga Master like K. Pattabhi Jois and B.K.S. Iyengar. His credentials are genuine and he carries an authentic lineage.  His website is at www.modernseers.org if you are interested in learning more, read his teachings, or learn more about being part of his organization.

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