Sunday, July 22, 2012

Wherever You Are - Do Yoga

I think it is time to chat about where and when to do yoga.  When we are beginners, we usually start out in a class of some type.  If we like it and enjoy how we feel afterwards, we go back to the class.  We find out quickly that if we stick with it and don't get discouraged, we want to keep going to class. Then we really begin to make progress, and we become "hooked".  Because we started doing yoga in a class doesn't mean that's the only time we should do yoga!
Kumbhakasana (plank) variation (this location is only for the very brave)
Most teachers encourage students to PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!  The most progress comes when we practice regularly outside of class!  No equipment is no excuse!  We can do yoga anywhere, any time. As a beginner, I started practicing right away, and little by little it became part of my everyday life. Now it IS my life!

Going on 5 years now, I do reclining yoga in bed before I get up.  I call it "bed yoga".  I teach it to my students.  Some of my seniors do it every day before they get up, because it is so good for their backs!  When I worked at the office I would do asana in the ladies room and out on the lawn during lunch hour.  When I traveling I do yoga at the rest stop picnic table, in the hotel room, at the pool.  I do yoga while waiting in the Doctor's office. (Keeps me from going stir crazy waiting!) So I'm weird, so what!  After a certain age most of us don't care a lot about what other people think.  We've figured out worrying destroys our quality of life.

Yoga in the park
I have done poses in a steel fab shop lunchroom, in stairwells, in basements, on a ship, on a yaught (you can't do balances while bobbing up and down, though).  I've done poses at my desk, in parks, I've meditated under my desk, and done poses the swimming pool (lovely).  Also in the hot tub, under water, on the edge of a cliff at Zion National Park (great photo op by the way), at outdoor concerts, at the ball park. I've used planters at office buildings as props for inversions. I've done yoga on a plane.  I chant mantra while I drive to lower my stress level and stay mellow around the crazy drivers!  

If I have a few minutes before a class or appointment, I'll sit in my car and meditate. When I had a high deck, I even went up on top of my roof every morning, in almost any weather and sat facing East.  I waited for the sun to rise and meditated as it came up! Now that is awesome!  Where is the most unusual place YOU have done yoga?

Easy pose in nature (What's not to love?)
I practice almost daily in my back yard. I can't wait till warm weather in the spring to roll up my rug, grab my blanket, and take my mat, blocks, strap & shawl out on the patio next to my Zen Garden to practice!  Be adventurous!  Every day is a gift!  Add quality to your life and life to your years!  Jump out of that box RIGHT NOW and strike a pose or meditate wherever you are!

Check this octogenarian out.  I can't even do this pose!  This yogi is demonstrating that we're never too old to take back our lives!

Mayurasana (Peacock Pose) 80+ YEARS OLD!!

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