Sunday, July 1, 2012

Remedies for the Aches & Pains

Yes, I am aging!  I hate to admit it, but  I'm working on embracing aging by writing this blog.   Do you ever go to bed, and ache somewhere, (maybe all over), even though you didn't do anything out of the ordinary (like bench pressing 200 lbs or 5 hours of yard work on your knees?  It can be discouraging.  Sometimes we wake up in the morning and it's like we're plastered to the bed. The gravity rating on the mattress is up to maximum.  We don't want to move, such an effort!

I have a few tips I've learned by trial and error over the (too many) years I've been on the planet and the over 30 years that I've been teaching and practicing yoga.  I offer them here for you.  We're all aging, even though you may be much younger than I am (65), the aging process is inevitable.  These tips have been my go-by to maintaining a quality life, and have grace accepting the process.

Here is my list:
  • Have and keep a positive attitude.  Our attitude is a conscious choice. Each day we're alive on the planet is a gift, another opportunity to give back to others and to the world, a doorway to a new adventure.  Live to the fullest nowHow many days do we have left in this precious body?  There is no guarantee. CARPE DIEM!
  • Stay active!  I start each morning with 10 minutes of "bed yoga".  Poses to limber up my back and protect it from injury, to wake up my whole body and prepare it for a new and exciting day full of experiences.
I have a set routine, but you could do any poses lying down.  I recommend a couple of spine lengthening poses, twists, and lying down pelvic rotations.  Last, I open and close my hands and flex and extend my feet 15 times to get the circulation to the furthest extremities of the body.  I've included a few pictures of what I do before getting out of bed here. 
Reclining Dancing Shiva Pose

Revolved Belly Pose
    Wind Releasing Pose
  • Practice yoga every day.  In addition, do other activities (bike ride, walk, swim) that you enjoy or can do with someone, which helps motivate you to stick with it.  If I'm sore or stiff, yoga is the answer.  Even one pose can do the trick.  Don't stay immobile for long.  When you start to "seize up", do a few poses, find an activity to get you off your butt. Go water your flowers, do the dishes, hop in the car and do those errands on your list.  Visit the aviary, Leonardo, or go to Silver Lake. Stay busy!  Do something on your bucket list (what you've always wanted to do before you die).  If not here, where? If not now, when?
Get the most nutrition for your $
  • Be vigilant about what you eat.  Try to eat fresh, whole, natural foods.  Foods that spoil (no processed food).  Eat a moderately.  Don't overeat. Avoid foods with white flour, white sugar, processed salt.  These "whites" are poison and give us no nutritional value. Go for the highest nutritional value in whatever you eat.  Eat whole grains. Avoid the fast food and sugary drinks.  They suck our $$$$$ money and give no nutritional value. Be "vigilant" because we must be aware of what we put in our mouth every day. We can sometimes stray and eat something we know isn't good for us.  But be aware that it's the little bad choices that add up. Soon we're not paying attention again and we fall into our "easy, lazy" routines. This adds poundage and lethargy - both counter-productive to a healthy, quality life. Besides, the good habits keep us out of the Dr. office!  $$$$$$
  • Do spiritual practice (pray or meditate) every day.  Maintain a relationship with The Creator, God, The Divine, The Buddha.  Spiritually deprived people are selfish and unhappy and don't understand why.  They often think that more possessions will give them happiness. Getting more things is a futile pursuit. 
  • Give back or pay it forward in some way to others and to future generations.  Share your knowledge.  Volunteer.  Donate.  Help others without thought of reward. Respect the earth. Recycle. Conserve.  Help reduce the carbon footprint.  Consume less! Support your local businesses and farmers.
  • Make time to spend with family and friends regularly.  Good relationships keep us balanced and mentally alert.  Work at it, it's worth the effort! If the one you want doesn't respond, enjoy the one you're with!
  • Keep learning new things.  Read.  Watch the news.  Go to classes. Be aware of what's going on around us and in the world.  This keeps us mentally alert and informed. We thrive when we are part of our world.
  • Get enough rest.  Fatigue causes stress, bad performance, confusion, poor attitude, and eventually disease.
I can pretty much guarantee, as an older woman, that if you skip any of these things, you're going to have a difficult time aging.  It's my sincere hope that some of these ideas hit home for you, and you will age gracefully, with serenity.  If you go through a rough patch, do yoga.  It brings your body back to balance and adds peace to your mind and spirit. It will adjust your priorities back to balance.

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