Sunday, July 15, 2012

Our Ever-changing Body

If you're practicing yoga pretty regularly, you are probably starting to notice that your body is different one day in a pose than it was the day before.  It may be harder to do a certain pose on the left side than on the right side, where the day before it was harder on the right side.  What's up with that?

The reason we have trouble on one side and then it switches, is because we are in a different body each time we practice.  Every 30 days all of the cells in our body have regenerated, that is pretty amazing!  We literally are in a completely different body every 30 days!  You've probably noticed that in the morning the body is stiffer than in the evening.  The inactivity of sleep has allowed our muscles and tissues to shorten and solidify.  Day to day activities and experiences contribute tremendously to our mobility or lack of it.

We use our body in many different ways. One day I might ride my bike, the next day I might do yard work, the third day I'm sitting in front of my laptop for hours.  Because I'm using my body differently, it changes from day to day.  Another reason I have noticed is the effect of moon phases. I can stand on my right foot better at full moon and my left foot better at new moon.  If we keep doing yoga, our sensitivity increases and we may become aware of subtle shifts such as this.
It must be full moon!  Hasta Padangusthasana (hand to foot pose)

As we become older, we may notice our workouts affect us more deeply than when we were young.  I don't remember getting "stiff" when I was young, do you?  This is why it is so critical that we stay mobile.  I, for one, am not going to be one of those people who sit on the couch day after day and ossify and then wonder why I have to depend on a walker!

Yoga is an ideal exercise as we age, it is gentle enough to accommodate the changes we are going through and challenging enough to get amazing improvement!  A good teacher can show you how to perform within your limitations. I also recommend everyone do activities incorporating resistance training and cardiovascular exercise, such as biking or walking.  This has been scientifically proven to reduce the effects of aging and improve cognitive ability.  An activity that you can do with a friend is ideal, not only does it enhance the relationship, it also increases our motivation!  

Don't wait until you lose your motor and cognitive skills to take care of your body.  We only have one body.  Let's give ourselves the gift of health and a quality life as long as we're here.  We are responsible for our own well-being.  Keep it up like your life depends on it or start now!  Use it or lose it.  

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